Contents of the My Employees Development Screen

Use these fields and options to view an overview of development plans, and to access screens where you can manage career paths, development plants, 9 box job performance details, succession plan nominations, Total Talent Profile options, and performance/potential ratings.


Field Description
Employee Badge and Ribbon

The Employee Badge contains a photo and, beneath that, key career development information, such as the employee name, job title, time in position, and hire date.

The Ribbon area to the right of the photo contains a snapshot of, and links to, the active career path and development plans. A gold star marks the active career path. Click on a plan or path name to manage details. Click the Expand link to view and manage current Career Paths and Development Plans.

Career Path

This section lists a clickable link to the current appraisal as well as the appraisal score. In some cases you can click the next step in the appraisal process to move the appraisal to that next step. Options available from the Actions menu are Print Appraisal and Reassign.

Development Plans

This section lists appraisals waiting on an action, such as scoring or signing.


You perform the following actions from the Actions menu. The actions listed depend on configuration, user permissions, and placement of employees on the org chart.

  • Add Career Path: Click to open the Create Career Path screen.
  • Add Development Plan: Click to open the Add Development Plan screen.
  • Drill Down: Click to view employee profiles for the direct reports of the current employee. Click the Up arrow to return to the original employee.
  • Nominate for Succession Plan: Click to open the Manager Nominated Successor screen, where a manager can specify the employee's readiness for a position and add comments.
  • View 9 Box: Click to view a graphical representation of a direct report's progress and growth using the metrics of potential ratings and performance score.
  • View TTP (Total Talent Profile): Click to display the Total Talent Profile screen.
  • Set Performance/Potential Rating: Click to open the Set Performance/Potential Rating dialog box, where you can edit the Potential scale, set a manual Performance score, select the next step for the employee on their path, such as a lateral move or a promotion, and specify the risk of loss as low, medium, or high.

    The rating options available in the Performance Score column of the Set Performance/Potential Rating dialog box are determined by the scale selected by an Administrator as the System Overall Scale. An Administrator sets this option on the Scales screen (Administration > Global Settings > Your Organization > Scales).